Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Sony's Xperia XA Ultra is all screen, and even more camera

Sony has yet to put its freshly introduced Xperia X smartphone range on sale and it's already updating the lineup with a new 6-inch model.
Enter the Xperia XA Ultra. It might be late to the party, but it's still making a statement.
Unlike the Xperia X, the smaller XA and the X Performance, which are all about top specs and processing might, the real emphasis of this larger phone targeted at
younger, edgier phone owners is its photography prowess. And, of course, its attention-grabbing screen.
Just like the Xperia XA, there's nothing new to see design-wise here from Sony, but the Ultra does support that superthin bezel that so impressed us when we first saw it on its smaller sibling. The benefit of the edge-to-edge display really does come into its own with a larger phone. It gives the impression that the XA Ultra's 6-inch screen is in fact closer to 5.5 inches in size. With no excess metal down the sides, this phone is also easier to keep a hold of.